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Migrating from Pretty Checkbox React 1

First off, thank you for using PCR for as long as you have! You are appreciated โญ. PCR has changed a lot since the days of PCR 1.x. The project has evolved with improved stateful support, transitioned to typescript (with flows types still generated), and much more.

style prop#

The style prop from PCR has been renamed to variant to prevent conflicts with the style prop used by React to pass inline CSS to components.

function App() {    return (        <>-            <Checkbox style="fill">Fill</Checkbox>-            <Checkbox style="thick">Thick</Checkbox>+            <Checkbox variant="fill">Fill</Checkbox>+            <Checkbox variant="thick">Thick</Checkbox>        </>    )}

indeterminate prop#

PCR 3.x adds back the indeterminate. If you used one of the myriad of examples on the old doc site, see the new checkbox docs for alternatives.

icon, svg and image props#

PCR 3.x unifies each image type under a single prop: icon. PCR behind the scenes will figure out what kind of element you're using and apply the correct className. See the new icon docs for more info.

function App() {    return (-        <Checkbox image={<img src="..." alt="..." />}>+        <Checkbox icon={<img src="..." alt="..." />}>            My fancy checkbox        </Checkbox>    )}


The inputProps prop has been removed in favor of a flat structure. For example:

function App() {    const onFocus = React.useCallback(() => { ... }, []);    return (        <Checkbox-           inputProps={{ onFocus }}+           onFocus={onFocus}        >Testing</Checkbox>    );}

Render Prop#

Render prop (a.k.a child render function) has been removed from PCR 3.x. In practice the render prop approach was error-prone and often lead to error conditions and frustration. If you really require customization of the .state div, open an issue on github.


The default data-testid props like pcr-wrapper and pcr-input were removed in PCR 2.x. Add your own attribute for testing purposes ๐Ÿ˜Ž. Read more about how props are forward here.